Hey everyone. Hope you are all doing ok :). It’s been quite a while since my last post on here which was made at a very difficult time for me. I didn’t really want to leave that as the last post and it certainly wasn’t the only reason I have been away for so long, I have just been consumed with life and other things (Excuses…). I took the summer off but then unlike Little Miss FI who came back to her blog after a similar break, I seemed to take the whole year off and then some hehe…I did want to post again but struggled with what to write about and didn’t want to write something just for the sake of it, it would probably bore you all if I did hehe.
Posting again
I do however hope to get back to posting the occasional article on my thoughts and ramblings on a few different topics including of course FI. I still feel reluctant to do posts sharing the specifics of what I spend and don’t spend, what I invest, where and exactly how much I have in Investments. A lot of other bloggers don’t seem to have a problem with sharing that and sometimes in amazing detail (Looking at you theFirestarter :D). Does anyone else feel uncomfortable sharing that? Maybe I will change my mind, I am not sure. At least that way there will be some regularity and as QuietlySaving said in a post on her blog, those seem to be some of her most popular posts. I do wonder if people love to compare there own efforts to others and see how they are getting on. it’s quite natural to do that and can be a great encouragement sometimes to envy others to help improve your own efforts but also can foster a bit of jealousy too no doubt.
The last several months
So what have I been doing? Am I still into FI or have I descended into mass consumption, money burning a hole in my pocket new type of philosophy desperate to spend every penny on things that don’t really bring to much enduring joy? Hehe. No I am afraid it’s stuck on auto pilot. I have met my targets every month, continued to invest as normal and haven’t really thought too much about it which is boring but great. I still treat myself without any guilt (Looking at you my shiny lovely new Samsung S10 Plus hehe).. well just to note my phone was 4 years old and buggered and I love technology so I HAD to get one. I have been immersed in Matched betting, keeping fit, learning and reading and going out with friends and family as much as I can. It hasn’t been a bad time really. I think I need to do less matched betting though, I may even retire from it. A post regarding this is certainly in the works, this is another post I question whether I should or shouldn’t write about.
Short and sweet
I will leave it there for nice, short and sweet. I just really felt yesterday like I had to either write something and start to be more regular or maybe close the site down. I chose to carry on for now :D. I will be writing a post soon about my job and potentially big changes that are coming to it. It might not even be there in a weeks time :/. I wanted to write about the things about it that make me really appreciate it so much compared to my previous job and how that made me feel so different about the whole work thing, and how much I might want to escape it. If I do lose it, those older thoughts might come back hehe.
Thanks for reading as always.
Hi Chris Good to see you back posting. Blogging shouldn’t be a chore and if you don’t feel like it, you shouldn’t feel like it’s something you must do. I hope you do derive some joy/pleasure from posting. And sharing numbers is a personal choice – I just chose to do so but there are many others who don’t. I’ll be interested to read about your ‘retirement’ from matched betting because if MB was still around when I pull my FIRE plug, I would definitely still be doing it, much like @Firethe9to5 who is topping up her FIRE funds with… Read more »
Thanks for the reply weenie as always. Yeah I hear what you’re saying about you shouldn’t feel like you have too etc. I do enjoy posting for sure, was just a period of time where other things took over as can always happen :). Yeh, I have been meaning to write about my experiences with matched betting. As a sneak peak though, it’s more about perhaps knowing my own weaknesses and how matched betting which has led to great earnings could have easily led to the opposite because of chasing losses from over laying as an example which is my… Read more »